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ISRO’s Remarkable Space Missions / ISRO Mission List

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Isro Mission List

It is often said that the heavens above us hold the true untapped potential of human progression. Countless wonders lie within the cosmic vault, serving as a constant reminder of our innate inclination to dream, discover, and transcend boundaries. In India, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has been the torchbearer of this exploratory spirit, launching numerous space missions that foster technological growth, transmuting what might seem abstract and alien into palpable, tangible benefits for us on Earth.


ISRO’s genesis laid the influential groundwork for its profound journey into the cosmos. Founded in 1969, the Indian National Committee for Space Research transitioned into ISRO, their first-ever satellite ‘Aryabhata’ launched in 1975, marking the dawn of an era where India’s footsteps imprinted the galactic canvas.

The natural progression from there was the Rohini series of satellites. Launched by SLV-3, the first indigenously designed and fabricated launch vehicle of India, Rohini marked a significant milestone in the annals of Indian space history.

Entering into the 90’s, ISRO embarked upon a more ambitious venture – the launch of the IRS (Indian Remote Sensing) satellites. These earned global acclaim for their vital role in resources management and environmental assessment, further legitimising India’s significant role as a substantial contributor to space technology.

The years 2001 and 2008 held special significance with the launch of the GSAT series and EDUSAT respectively. These telecommunications satellites were strides towards improving India’s communication march, and the enhancement of e-learning in the country.

The Chandrayaan-1

The Chandrayaan-1 mission in 2008 heralded India’s entry into the unique club of countries with lunar exploration capabilities. Not only did it reveal the presence of water molecules on the moon but also imprinted India’s mark in the sphere of scientific discoveries.

ISRO’s proudest moment arrived with the Mars Orbiter Mission in 2013. Nicknamed “Mangalyaan“, this mission propelled India to be the only country in the world to reach mars’ orbit on its maiden attempt. A victorious moment for every Indian, it showcased the indomitable spirit of ISRO.

Fast forward to 2017; the world marveled as ISRO launched 104 satellites in a single mission, a world record that demonstrated India’s prowess in low-cost space exploration. Later in the year, GSAT-19, India’s heaviest satellite till then, was launched, signifying a strategic shift towards building a digital India.


ISRO’s journey hasn’t stopped there. Constant advancements are a testament to the organization’s ceaseless quest to explore new horizons. A recent notable feat was the launch of Chandrayaan-2 in 2019, an ambitious mission aiming to land near the moon’s south pole.

Simply put, India’s space odyssey, steered by ISRO, has been monumental in pushing the frontiers of space exploration. Our journey in the great cosmic theater continues, from launching our first satellite five decades ago, to stepping onto Mars and aiming for the Moon, this progression truly encapsulates the essence of being a Content Creator – viewing the unknown not as a barrier but as a realm filled with infinite potential and possibilities.

All of ISRO’s missions speak volumes about human ingenuity, exhibiting how ‘content creation’ is a holistic process drawing from science, technology, creativity, and an undying spirit to advance. We await with bated breath to see where ISRO’s relentless determination and innovative thought process will take us next in the infinite canvas of the cosmos.

The Indian Space Research Organisation’s endeavors encapsulate a creator’s journey, brimming with passion, perseverance, inspiration, exploration and evolution, thereby setting a experimentation for every content creator, beginning with a spark of an idea and ultimately, revolutionizing the way we see the world – and beyond. Below is the all Isro Mission List.

Isro Mission List

Indian Space Research Organisation Launches Till 2023

1983Rohini SatelliteJuly 18, 1980First satellite launched by ISRO
2008Chandrayaan-1October 22, 2008India’s first lunar probe
2013Mars Orbiter MissionNovember 5, 2013India’s first interplanetary mission to Mars
2016ASTROSATSeptember 28, 2015India’s first dedicated multi-wavelength space observatory
2017Cartosat-2EJune 23, 2017Earth observation satellite
2018Chandrayaan-2July 22, 2019Lunar mission with an orbiter, lander, and rover
2019GSAT-30January 17, 2020Communication satellite for INSAT system
2020RISAT-2BR1November 7, 2019Radar imaging satellite for surveillance
2020Astrosat-2PlannedUpcoming space observatory mission
2023Chandrayaan-3September 23, 2023lunar mission with a rover

Isro Mission List

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